Sesong 4 av Mysteries of the West

Denne artikkelen presenterer episodeguiden for fjerde sesong av TV-serien American Western Mysteries ( The Wild Wild West ).

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Tegn som erstatter "Artemus Gordon"


Episode 1: Night of the Kinetoscope

Episode 2: The Night of Judgment

Episode 3: Night of the Mysterious Machine

Episode 4: The Night of Eternal Youth

Episode 5: Night of Dangerous Games

Episode 6: Night of the Sea Monster

Episode 7: Night of the Fugitives

Episode 8: The Night of the Sarcophagus

Episode 9: Night of the Forgotten Man

Episode 10: Night of the Memory Eye

Episode 11: Cyclops Night

Episode 12: The Night of Revenge

Episode 13: Night of the Pelican

Episode 14: The Night of the Curse

Episode 15: Night of the bevingede terror - 1 st  del

Episode 16: The Night of the winged terror - 2 e  part

Episode 17: Night of the Treasure

Episode 18: The Night of Janus

Episode 19: Night of the Gunslingers

Episode 20: Night of the Diva

Episode 21: Diamond Night

Episode 22: Cossacks Night

Episode 23: Board Night

Episode 24: The Epidemic Night

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Liste over Mysteries of the West-episodene

Merknader og referanser

  1. Ukreditt
  2. Som Craig Smith
  3. Som Raymond Molyneaux
  4. Som Kenneth Chase
  5. Ross Martin fikk et mildt hjerteinfarkt og tvang ham til å suspendere sin deltakelse.
  6. Som Alan L. Jaggs
  7. (Arkiv bilder)